Initiative and implemented by

PKSF and World Bank

One of the partner organization (PO) is

HEED Bangladesh


Informal sector of small entrepreneur can take initiative again to their entrepreneur and can start up again

Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE) Project:

Cottage, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises(CMSME) sector are contributing to develop and advancing of our country and these sectors are also contributing 83% employment in our country. Micro and small enterprise sector are creating 94% job employment in our country but during the COVID-19 epidemic these sector are mostly affected. SME entrepreneur and also their labors are mostly affected in COVID-19 epidemic and   Agriculture, Industry and service sector are also affected.

In the other hand Bangladesh is now passing the valuable time considering the workforce man where 15 to 59 age population have an ability to work and now the total active person population rate is 68%. 15-59 age people are considering as an active person in the Demographics of Bangladesh where they can contribute actively in the productivity, action oriented and economic activity in our country. Most of our young people are unskilled and have a less skill in the employment that’s why most of our young people are deprived from the decent work so on that issue there is need to take initiative project activities so that they can overcome the Technology Trap and also the Low wages and can contribute in our GDP. Palli Karma- Sahayak Foundation(PKSF) and World Bank have taken the initiative and implementing the Program of Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment(RAISE) Project funded with jointly in all over the country. HEED Bangladesh is one of the partner organization (PO) in the RASE Project and implementing 20 Upazila with Dhaka North and Gazipur City Corporation   in the country. RAISE Project main Objective is – Informal sector of small entrepreneur can take initiative again to their entrepreneur and can start up again of their business especially those who are affected in COVID-19 epidemic and gear-up economic mobility of informal sector. RASIE Project Duration is 5 years and here given the major activities of RAISE Project of HEED Bangladesh in the Fiscal Year of July 2022 to June 2023 as bellows:

Specific Objectives:

  1. To restore the COVID-19 affected micro-enterprise/ business by developing capacities of micro-entrepreneurs of urban and peri-urban areas and providing inclusive finance.
  2. To enhance the capacities and productivity of youth and young micro-entrepreneurs in the informal sector by developing their capacities and providing inclusive finance.
  3. To engage youth from low-income households in sustainable employment through apprenticeship programs.

Target Participants:

  1. COVID-19 affected micro-entrepreneurs receiving microfinance support of 50,000 participants.
  2. Low-income youth and micro-entrepreneurs accessing business management track of 90,000 participants.
  3. Low-income youth accessing apprenticeship track of 35,000 participants.
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