About us

About HEED Bangladesh

We are one of the largest NGOs of Bangladesh

HEED Bangladesh is one of the largest development organizations in terms of number of employees and impacts on the lives of the marginalized people that has been creating since its establishment in 26 October, 1974, as a Christian faith-based, not-for-profit, non-political and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), committed to participate in and promote national development through upgrading the socio-economic condition of the disadvantaged and underprivileged people in the society. As an NGO established by the Christian leaders and several western partner organizations in response to the post-war needs in Bangladesh, HEED Bangladesh sustained its relevance by redesigning its strategies in accordance with its philosophy of Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of the Poor. Presently HEED Bangladesh is working with a motto of ‘Serving the Humanity’ in 32 districts of Bangladesh.

Reflecting on HEED’s contribution towards social development initiatives has so far enriched general optimism in the Government and the donor agencies about our potentials for delivering welfare services, implementing development projects and facilitating other skill enhancing activities. In our little less than 50 years journey since inception, various programs undertaken by HEED Bangladesh, like health, sanitation, nutrition, micro finance, education, food security, poverty reduction,  agriculture, capacity building, environmental resource management and bio-diversity conservation, disaster management, socio-economic development of marginalized and downtrodden people and so on, undertaken for rural communities of Bangladesh , have clearly marked significant achievements towards materializing our Vision and Mission.

We have been able to create an overwhelming awareness and understanding of the grim situation of Tuberculosis disease, which still prevails as a public health challenge in Bangladesh. Leprosy control project and expanding coverage of malaria prevention programs are also two major showcase achievements of our relentless endeavors over the decades. Other significant projects of HEED Bangladesh covering a wide range of beneficiaries include HIV/AIDS, STD awareness build-up, Arsenic mitigation, WASH, Nutrition, Rural development, Protection of Children’s and Women’s Rights and Giving shelter to girls and ladies falling victim of illegitimate sex and unwanted pregnancy and rearing their babies for a certain period. A state-of-the-art English medium school of international standard and a Government-recognized technical and vocational training center are also noteworthy institutions dedicated towards raising a better and more qualified workforce in the country.

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Serving Humanity is our moto

Our missions

By ensuring basic health services, extended support to formal and non-formal education and counter poverty through creating capital for alternative income and employment opportunities, response to all disasters and thus transform human lives.

Our Vision

Build communities that are just, accountable and responsive to the needs of the poor and marginalized with dignity for glorifying the Creator and His creation.

Core Values

* Poverty Alleviation
* Strategic Capacity Building
* Strengthening the Civil Society

HEED Bangladesh

Where We Are

where we are
Anwar Hossain
The change in a person's life through our activities is the value of our work. We never work for profit, Not even care what profit will be made from the project.
Anwar Hossain Executive Director
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Our Sister Concerns

Helping each other can change the world