a helping hand

is a Charity

a helping hand

health services
Who we are
HEED Bangladesh is a non-profit organization (NGO).
Since 1974, HEED Bangladesh has been working in the fields of health, education, agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, forestry, environment and natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, disaster management, socio-economic development of marginalized and under privileged people, microfinance, nutrition & hygiene education, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, Adolescents, and young reproductive health, rural development, awareness raising, arsenic mitigation, women empowerment, street children, emergency response, heritage preservation, and others.
HEED Bangladesh is working tirelessly in anticipation of seeing the new dreams of the new year after overcoming the hardships and horrors of the Corona period.

Anwar Hossain
Executive Director

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Center for Training and Rehabilitation for Destitute Women (CTRDW)
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Helping people those who in need
HEED Bangladesh is an associate of the government and always tries to fulfill the agenda of the government which is an alliance with SDG. In this entire journey HEED got support from donors, partners, well-wishers, government Ocials, society and executive board of HHED as well as our recipients and all stakeholders.
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HEED Bangladesh is working tirelessly in anticipation of seeing the new dreams of the new year after overcoming the hardships and horrors of the Corona period. It’s been a year of hope, resilience and hard work.
Anwar Hossain
Executive Director
Guest House Projects
Guest House & Training Center
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বন্যায় ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত মৌলভীবাজার এ ত্রান বিতরণ কাজ শুরু হয়।
হীড বাংলাদেশের নির্বাহী পরিচালক স্যারের নির্দেশে স্মরনাতীত কালের ভয়াবহ বন্যায় ক্ষতিগ্রস্তদের মাঝে উপহার হিসাবে প্রথম
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নোয়াখালী জেলায় বন্যা কবলিত ৫,০০০ পরিবারের মাঝে প্রয়োজনীয় খাদ্য প্যাকেট (ভালোবাসার উপহার) পৌঁছে দিচ্ছে হীডের সহকর্মীবৃন্দ।
সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে বাংলাদেশের ১১টি জেলায় প্রায় ৫৮ লাখ মানুষ বন্যায় আক্রান্ত হয়েছে এবং বিভিন্নভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ
Read more Heed-Bangladesh
Honorable Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare were visited HEED Bangladesh Kamalgonj Projects Land
Honorable Additional Secretary , Deputy Secretary and Asst Secretary of Health Services Division ,Ministry of
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